Sunday, December 27, 2009

Flat Ariston

My son, Ariston, read a book in his 3rd grade class called Flat Stanley. In the book, Stanley is flattened by a billboard. But, he soon finds out that being flat isn't so bad after all, because he can be mailed all over to visit many places.

His project was to make his own Flat Ariston and send it to someone living in another community, have them write about the place they live, and take a few pictures too. My son sent his to his grandma that lives in Lincoln, IL, and here are a few pics of the adventures of Flat Ariston while there:
the town is named for Abraham Lincoln
where Ariston's mom went to grade school
the largest covered wagon, apparently
abraham lincoln christened the town by spitting a watermelon seed
the courthouse where lincoln practiced law
the place where lincoln spit the watermelon seed


Lacy said...

Our little guy just "HAD to" get Flat Stanley from the book fair.
Grandma really did a great job!

Felice Devine said...

That's great! Love the Flat Ariston! Ha!

Carolina John said...

cool! i had to take pics with a flat stanley for a neice a couple of years ago. we took him out to Furman university and got some shots about the campus. it was neat!

Christina said...

That's awesome! I don't know if my pictures would be quite as cool as those.