Saturday, March 14, 2009

My Longest Run Yet.....

The long run
Today I had planned to do an 8 miler, which is the longest distance I've run previously.  I did that distance twice about 2 months ago and then I injured my foot and had to stop running briefly.  Since I started running again, the longest I've gone was 6.  So, I thought I'd stretch and try to hit 8, especially with my first half marathon coming up in just over a month.

But as I went out the door, in the back of my mind I think I wanted to try to hit double digits, as in 10 miles.  It was a pretty nice day out, although just a tad chilly.  There was not much wind, and I was feeling good.   When I finished the run, my Nike+ said 10.55 miles--yep double digits.  Woo-hoo, I thought.  However, not always trusting my Nike + when it comes to distances, I pulled up MapMyRun and discovered I only went 9 miles. (I really need to get a Garmin)  I didn't get the double digits like I thought, but I still achieved my longest run ever, so I felt pretty good about that.  (yes, I realize that for many of you, 9 miles is a not that far, but for me it was an accomplishment)

The last couple miles of the run, I was really feeling how out of shape I still am.  I was struggling, and took a few walk breaks.  I should have taken some water or gu or something, I was seriously lacking energy.   And I was sweating like a pig at the end because I overdressed and it warmed up.    I like to weigh myself after my runs, and I literally lost like 3 or 4  pounds.   Don't worry, I'm sure I'll gain it back by the end of the day.   (For some reason I like to weigh myself after my runs, does anyone else do this?  Psychologically I think I trick myself into thinking I'm losing weight (and maybe I am a bit).)

The Big D
Tomorrow after church my wife and I are dropping the boys off at my parents and heading for a 3 day getaway to the Big D (Dallas).   It's the first trip of this length we've taken without the kids and we're looking forward to some alone time and doing some fun stuff and just hanging out together.  We are really looking forward to it, and thankful to my folks for taking the kids.  I'm hoping to get in a run or two while there, depending on where the hotel is located.  We really have no plans other than going to a Mavericks basketball game, and going to IKEA.  


Unknown said...

Congrats on the run and have fun in Dallas!

Billy said...

Congrats on the distance PR. And yes, by all means - get yourself a GARMIN. Nike +'s are awful at accurately gauging distance.

Brandi said...

Congrats on the distance! I am running my first full marathon tomorrow! I'm a tad nervous but really more excited! I can't wait!! I too have the Nike + and I get so disappointed when I see how far I really went. I want a Garmin too! That's on my wish list!! :)

RunToTheFinish said...

wow your nike was off that much.. dude that's a mental slap in the face, you gotta get a garmin. Way to go on the mileage and staying healthy!!

have a wonderful trip

TiredMamaRunning said...

Have a great time with your wife! And congratulations on your longest run to date.

Yes, I do weigh myself before and after runs, especially in our hotter months to make sure I'm on top of hydration. And yes on the Garmin...while it's not absolutely perfect (as I've found on hilly trail or mountain runs), it's about as accurate as a device for personal use can be. Also great for lap splits and other tools.

ShirleyPerly said...

Way to go on your longest-to-date run! Strange that the Nike+ distance is so different.

Have fun in Dallas!

Rookie on the Run said...

Great job running 9 miles! I'd love to get a Garmin, too, but my darned budget really cramps my style. :)

Have a great time in Dallas with your honey! I'm sure your boys will be having lots of fun and getting plenty spoiled while you're gone.

I Run for Fun said...

Yay on your first 9-miler!

Have a fun time in Dallas.

Shannon said...

3 or 4 pounds....WATER!!!! I hope you drank tons of water after and during the rest of the day.

BTW, your longest run is AWESOME! You should be proud of yourself. Have fun in Dallas.

I love my Garmin and it totally rocks! Make sure you come up with a cute name for it.

Missy said...

Congrats on your longest run ever! That's so go for the mental game...just knowing you can go! Must take nutrition and water in.

Hell, I need a scale intervention. It's actually good to know what you weigh before and after. If you lost too much, you didn't take enough in for your run:(

Heather said...

Great job on the run! Have a good trip!

joyRuN said...

Good job on the long distance best, even if Nike+ shorted you out of double digits!

I put up with my Nike+ for as long as I could, which ended up being less than 4 months. I should've just bought a Garmin from the get go.

Mel-2nd Chances said...

Congrats on your milestone! That's awesome! Nike+ is off distance for mine too... i still use it, but not for distance. Enjoy Dallas!

Aron said...

awesome job on the new distance PR!!!! those are the best feeling :)

garmin time!!! :)

Julie said...

Congrats on hitting 9 miles! From here on out, you'll be hitting lots of distance PRs!

Chic Runner said...

Congrats on a great run. Good luck on getting a garmin, I would check it out on ebay. :) Have fun in Dallas!

Unknown said...

Nice job with the 9-miler. Have fun on your trip. said...

Great job! Savor those long ones - it's an awesome feeling ain't it?! And definitely invest in a Garmin! :)

Nike + really screwed me up - it was a + actually, it told me I had been running much further than I had!!!