Saturday, January 23, 2010

On Second Thought....

In my last post, I mentioned that I was going to lay off running for a bit....

Yeah, about that...

I ran yesterday, and again today....

Granted, both runs were at a very slow pace, really just barely above a fast walk pace....but, they were still runs....I ran for 30 minutes yesterday, and 60 minutes today....during the run today, I took several walk breaks, and I am really just trying to be smart with my training and not re-injur my still feels somewhat weak, not totally healed, and susceptible to injury....

I also bought some dumbbells and a medicine ball so that I can do some home exercises in order to build some strength and stability, both things I am severely lacking in....

In non-running related news, I hope you are all doing something to help the country of Haiti. The earthquake and news footage in Haiti has been on many people's minds lately. I have been to Haiti and know first hand how great the need is there. I have donated cash and today served with my family to pack boxes of dried food for distribution to Haiti. Numana is trying to send 1 Million meals to Haiti this weekend. When I was there, they were up to 300,000 meals. It was amazing see thousands of volunteers coming out to help today. We waited in line for over an hour just to serve and pack food for an hour. We may go back tomorrow and help again. It was very well organized and a lot of fun. I hope you will help. The country of Haiti really needs our prayers and support.


Shannon said...

Email me and I can send you some great core exercise ideas. :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe you'll be open to this suggestion or maybe not, but I'll give it a try. There is a great physician, John Sarno, MD, who believes that plantar fasciitis is more related to your emotional state than to something physical. Read his book "The Divided Mind" or have a look at a website called "" and read about TMS. Sarno's ideas cured my back pain and plantar fasciitis...I bet it will work for you too.