There are a lot of good sports drinks on the market these days. So which sports drinks are the best? Here is some advice on picking sports drinks that I found helpful:
Sports drinks should have:
-6 to 8 percent carbohydrates (14 to 19 grams per 8 oz serving)
-at least 120 milligrams of sodium per 8 oz serving
-at least 2 types of carbohydrates---different types of carbs metabolize through different pathways, so those drinks with multiple types of carbs can deliver energy to the muscles faster.....look for some combination of glucose, sucrose, dexdrate, maltodextrin, and fructose
-avoid drinks whose labels list fructose or high fructose corn syrup as their first ingredient...
-4 to 1 ratio of protein to carbs, protein can help with muscle recovery from long runs
(these tips were in Dean Karnazes' book 50/50)
Personally, I like Nuun tablets in water because it's convenient and not too sugary, but it doesn't provide any carbs. I want to try Accelerade, as it has proteins, which many sports drinks do not, and hits most of the other above criteria. What sports drink are you using?
POM Wonderful
The great folks at
POM Wonderful sent me a case of their 100% pomegranate juice, called POM Wonderful. I had never had pomeggranate juice before, and I'm not really sure I've ever had an actual pomegranate, so I was excited to give it a try. Evidently the benefits of drinking pomegranate juice are astounding, including improved cardiovascular and prostrate health. It is also high in anti-oxidants, which can help prevent your body from damage or disease. So, the health benefits aside, how does it taste? It wasn't too bad actually. It is a little on the tart side for my taste. I could see mixing it in with something else or watering it down a bit. And actually, after trying it straight, I checked out the
POM Wonderful website and there is a whole list of drink mixes and uses, including something as simple as mixing it in iced tea or smoothies. So, I'm going to give some of those mixes a try. The benefits of this stuff are really amazing, so I would encourage you to give POM Wonderful a try!