Tuesday, June 30, 2009
A New Race-Finder
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Watch Where You're Running...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Starting a Movement
1. One person can start a movement.
2. A movement need not be started by the most skilled member of the movement.
3. When beginning your movement and you look around and no one else is joining the dance, just keep dancing.
4. When the one guy who joins your movement slowly fades away, keep going.
5. Before you know it, the people joining your movement won’t even know you started it.
6. When your movement takes a life of it’s own, just let go. There will be no stopping it.
7. The very people who are staring at you like your nuts as you movement alone, will be the very same people dancing the hardest in the end.
(In fairness, I stole this from another blog, but I thought it was pretty brilliant. When you look at it from a running perspective, there are a lot of people that think we're crazy for running when no one is chasing us. But the movement is there. Keep running friends, keep running.)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Dean Karnazes is the man!

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Hammer It 5K Race Report --it was wet!
This was the race t-shirt...yes, that's a hammer and yes it's running....uh, yeah....
I was looking forward to this 5K race for two reasons. 1) the start/finish line was like 1/2 a mile from my house (I walked to it) and 2) I was pretty sure I was going to PR.

Friday, June 19, 2009
TGIF Foto Friday--Skyline Chili..

We have some friends of ours that have talked about Skyline Chili for years. These friends are so in love with Skyline that they have driven 12 hours to Cincinnati just to eat Skyline Chili, and then driven back. (For those not aware, Skyline Chili is a restaurant located in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana.) They have had Skyline parties and tried to recreate the famous Skyline 3-way or 5-way chili you get in the restaurant. So on our recent Indiana trip, when we passed a Skyline Chili restaurant, we just had to stop. In my opinion it was good, but not worth a 12 hour drive. And the kid's meals were horrible.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Giving the Foot a Rest
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Thanks New Balance
I got my second pair of wear test shoes from New Balance a couple days ago. At first I wasn't sure about the dark gray color, but they actually don't look too bad on me.
Friday, June 12, 2009
TGIF Foto Friday....

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Looking for a July Race...
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Question for all the fast runners out there (probably you)....
The question is: Have you always been fast?
I mean, did you start out running 7 1/2 min miles? Or did it start with 11 min miles, then slowly evolve to 10, then 9, then 8 or 7 min miles? How did you get faster? How long did it take? Years? Months? Weeks? What's your secret, (if your sharing)?
This month's Runner's World has a decent article about running a faster 5K, and I am just curious on hearing how people really get to be faster runners. I am literally amazed that someone can run even one mile at a 5min or 6 min pace, let alone a 5K or 10K or marathon at that pace....
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Another State, Another Run
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Running From the Storm...