We got about 6 inches of snow two days ago. School was cancelled, much to my boys' delight. One thing I hate when we get snow is that the snowplow piles up snow in front of our driveway, so that even though there may be 6 inches in the driveway, there is about 2 feet where the driveway meets the road. That always makes for some extra shoveling work.
Yesterday we went sledding, which was fun, and today-- it was all about the snowball fight. I helped my two boys build some forts (which were about 5 feet apart) and then they went at it. They had a blast, and so did I watching them.
Afterwards, I went for an easy three mile run. The streets were clear for the most part. I had a few places where I had to run over some ice patches or snow, but nothing too dangerous. It felt good to get out, and I actually enjoy running in this cold weather. The foot bothers me just enough that I feel like I still have to go slow, but not enough to keep me from running.