Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Mission for Nutrition..

I’d like to learn more about nutrition, and how to best balance my eating and running so that my body has the fuel it needs without gaining weight….I’d like to lose another 20 pounds or so, and I know that diet will be a big factor in that….right now I try to watch what I eat, but regularly find myself eating foods that I shouldn’t eat---cookies, cakes, and my weakness—chips and salsa. I would say that I eat healthier today than I did a year ago, so I am heading in the right direction, and I am happier too. While I am eating healthier, it is not the healthiest all the time. Maybe that is okay. I think one of the things I like about running and regular exercise is that you can indulge yourself every so often.

With that being said, the holidays were brutal and I had way too many big meals where I walked away feeling stuffed.  I ate way too many sweets that I would then try to run off.  I am recommiting myself in this new year to eating healthier foods, the right foods, and the right amount of them.  


Mel-2nd Chances said...

nutrition is a work in progress for me too... i wish my body came with a handbook to tell me how much i can eat partnered with how much exercise to be this body weight, or body fat% or whatever. I'm focusing more on body fat% this year rather than weight... chips and salsa are a fav of mine too. good luck!

joyRuN said...

I know what you mean. I don't need to lose weight per se, but from unfortunate experience, better nutrition makes for better running.

(This typed as I dive into a tub of chocolate covered caramel popcorn)

TiredMamaRunning said...

I soooooooooooo hear you. Except that it's chips and queso for me....most imporantly, chips and queso after 7pm......with a beer.....or two.

Step one, painful as it was at first for me.....not buying the stuff to begin with. Sounds like an oversimplification but it really has been helping-then I go grab an apple or a have a small bowl of cereal or something.

Aron said...

i think nutrition is always a work in progress for everyone and should be. in order to make it a lifestyle change rather than a diet, gradually changing your habits and eating better is the way to go... at least for me :) everyone i know that has decided to change it that way has lasted, where as crash diets the weight always comes back. i am planning on doing a food/nutrition post soon and what works for me!

RunToTheFinish said...

yes recommitting that's a good way to think of it!! I am going back to trying to focus on eating enough veggies and fruits which helps the other things to take care of themselves.

Nikemom said...

Salsa is OK, it's the chips that are the killer. Go for the Tostito's type chip and you'll be better off than if you eat Dorito's. I just bought a book called: Performance Nutrition for Runners. So far so good and it has helped me in getting back on the right path. Good luck. 7 days and no sugar for me. :D

Unknown said...

I recently learned a lot from a class regarding nutrition. They told us to eat every 3-4 hours - a meal or healthy snack. They taught us to imagine a peace sign on our plate and put veggies in one section, protein in another, and carbs in the last.

Anyway, I started eating like this in early december and the most amazing thing happened - i didn't crave junky stuff or overeat during Christmas. Somehow, eating like that took away the cravings and the hunger that drive some of my destructive eating.

If you haven't already, give that a try. It's worth a shot, in my opinion. :-)