My son's school (Valley Center) put on a 5K/2 mile/1 mile run today-The Hornet Hustle. I probably should have signed my 8 year old up for the 1 or 2 mile runs, but I decided to stretch him and do the 5K with him. I told him that we needed to pace ourselves, that 3 miles is a long way, and that we could just take it easy and enjoy the day running together. It turned out to be a blast, and he did awesome.
The weather was absolutely perfect for a run. I saw the Running Lawyer, and tons of people I know. We ran on grass the whole way through a park, and it kind of felt like my old high school cross country races. There were about 350 runners between the three events, and maybe 150-ish in the 5K. I am pretty sure that my son was the youngest person running the 5K. He ran really strong, and I'm proud of him. We ran together , talked throughout, and even held hands at various point of the race. It was a really special run. As for time, we hit the 2 mile mark at 20 minutes, but struggled a bit the last mile to finish in 33:30. Not bad for a kid that just turned 8 in June.

Running strong.
This race was put on by his school (Valley Center Hornets) in an effort to not have to do any fundraisers this year (you know, selling popcorn or candles or gift wrap, etc). If they raised enough money through this run, we wouldn't be asked to do any fundraisers. I am hopeful that this run will do the trick.

The title of this race reminded me of the old disco song "The Hustle." How can you not love that song? My parents were big into disco dancing back in the day, and they actually won the first disco dance contest in Wichita. (Happy Birthday dad!) Check out this video to learn to "do the hustle."
Giveawy Coming!!
Yes, it's round 2 for a CSN Giveaway! In case you haven't heard of them, they have a gazillion products from everything from a Coffee Maker , to luggage, to exercise equipment (tons of yoga and strength training items), to bird cages. You name it, they probably have it. Check it out - CSN. I'll try to post this little giveaway in the next week. Stay tuned.